《想拍好照片就读这本书》英文原版 . 馨心中译【02 视觉引导线】



The Var department.

Hyéres, France

Henri Cartier-Bresson


Look for the leading lines 寻找视觉引导线

Great compositions take you on a journey. Your eyes are guided around the image on a specific path, leading to where the photographer want to take you.


Here, Henri Cartier-Bresson has taken a simple scene and created something beautiful. Instantly the strong, downward point of view makes us feel like we’re falling into the composition. Soon our eyes latch onto the foreground railings and descend down the steps. As the railings bend to the left, the verb becomes more dominant. Only then do we are around to reach the subject- a man racing past on a bike.


This tightly controlled visual journey is called a ‘leading line’ and photographers love them.


Use leading lines to give your composition structure and draw the viewer to key elements.


One main leading line is often all you need and they’re at their most powerful when they sweep in from the edge of the frame.


If you keep your eyes peeled you’ll find leading lines everywhere, from the converging rails of a train track, to the branch of a tree or the cracks in a rock face- and don’t be shy about making these lines very overt in your image.


In this case, Cartier-Bresson makes our eyes travel in a slingshot motion around the image to heighten its very essence-movement.


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